This has been a tough week for your boi and only today did it hit me that it was Ye Oulde Uterus getting its regular revenge but we’re here, Praise Be! You’d think, 2-odd decades in, one would be unfazed, but alas. And then today, listening to this episode of Short Wave reminded me that there’s more to come (perimenopause, I’m talking about perimenopause). Sigh.
I’ve spoken before about how iffy African book events off the continent are to me so I won’t retread that ground but a recent development - what Brittle Paper referred to as Mohamedou Ould Slahi being bullied out of his role as Curator of the African Books Festival Berlin - has highlighted it for me. The way his former incarceration by the US has been weaponised by German outlets and this response to the decision by the festival is a reminder of the need for folks in the Global South to speak to each other because there’s so much to unpack. Why is an event coded as African happening in Europe (we know, money), why are there so many African writers who get published by huge publishers based off the continent (we know, borders, access, networks)?
I know this can feel niche but these spaces are where deals are struck and ideas are circulated (yes, even in the age of virtual everything because - and I say this as a person who went on virtual dates with alcohol-free beer and snacks in the early days of the pandemic - there’s only so much one can do online) and they have a bearing on what we read. For as long as only those who have access (by virtue of their privilege, by virtue of their patronage) are able to be there, we’ll keep getting certain stories.
I’m on the second day of a 3-day break from wage work which I decided to spend in the city (decisions were made) especially in the face of protests across the country. I’m spending it reading, resting and reflecting as this quarter comes to a close so please send your reading and watching (TV and film) recommendations. I’m also looking to get more things to listen to as I walk and do chores so please send audio recommendations (podcasts and music most welcome!); thanks in advance 🙂
Quick news/ things that may be of interest:
Laps & Livres meets this Saturday
This website, which features books in Kenyan languages
Sidney & Friends, called “one of the most impacting and breathtaking reflections of intersex and trans life”, is available to watch for free into April
Classical music on WQXR, if that’s your sort of thing
I have a new address: you can send me books, postcards, letters, and assorted gifts via PO Box 102439, Jamia Posta 00101, Nairobi, Kenya
Our fave Jackie Karuti has work up at Goethe Institut with an artist talk on 13th April (which will probably be moved to the 12th, protests persisting)
I have finished seven books since I last wrote, reviews forthcoming. I did hybrid reads of Call and Response by Gothataone Moeng (narrated by Warona Setshwaelo) and Really Good, Actually by Monica Heisey (narrated by Julia Whelan), listened to Mayflies by Andrew O'Hagan (narrated by the author), Spare by Prince Harry The Duke of Sussex (narrated by the author), and Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn (narrated by Jane Oppenheimer & Christina Delaine), and I read the ebook editions of A Heart That Works by Rob Delaney and Homesick by Jennifer Croft. I spoke about my reads in the week ending 17th March 2023 here and all the books I finished in February here. Subscribe to the channel if you haven’t yet!
As ever, please write back to me and tell me what books you’re reading or looking forward to reading — it’s always a great time talking about books.
Enjoy the rest of the week and have a lovely time reading. Talk to you soon!
I loved this newsletter; ye old uterus afflicted me too recently and it always manages to confuse me because it's best known trick is to make you forget it exists until it strikes again and your like
"What is this deep feelin of dread and melancholy, I must be going mad, goodbye carefully cultivated sanity" and then BAM blood. "Tricked again!"
Anyway, weather talk aside, I was wondering where you get your audio books and normal reading books from? Are you rich … because if so, discard.