This week saw authors on the internet express mixed reactions to the use of their works in the training of AI. While some of them lamented its use and wrote out their feelings on Twitter especially, others seemed pleased to know their books were among the chosen ones. This was the same week that saw the WGA strike come to an end with a win for writers over AI (for now) so AI was on the mind. I think there’s a lot to be said about permission, writing, copyright, our notions of IP that AI conversations really surface and I hope to spend a little time thinking about those things before I return with some thoughts.
This was also the week of the Nairobi International Book Fair which included panels and rights buying helmed by eKitabu (whose work with braille and KSL I’m keen to find out more about as I decide what to do with the $350 or so that will result from my $2/book fund). I had the chance to attend yesterday with MJ and pick up some books (coming to a book haul near you!) and some fun (of the “these are mostly textbooks” variety) was had.
Triathlon Dreams
Another slow week on this front (walked for 100 minutes to the sound of audiobooks! It was really propulsive!) but MJ reminded me of my Couch to 5K days so I might just register for the Standard Chartered Nairobi Marathon's 5K race and train towards that (make it an annual event, even!)
Quick news/ things that may be of interest:
Free to download: a new Brittle Paper anthology on the theme of AI
Dracula Daily continues apace. Jump on if you’re keen
You can send me books, postcards, letters, and assorted items via PO Box 102439, Jamia Posta 00101, Nairobi, Kenya
I have finished three books since I last wrote to you - the audiobook edition of Western Lane by Chetna Maroo (read by Maya Soroya) as well as the e-book versions of More Than a Dream: The Radical March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom by Yohuru Williams and Michael G. Long and Aya: Love in Yop City by Marguerite Abouet (illustrated by Clément Oubrerie, & translated by Helge Dascher). My latest videos are of the books I read in July (you can watch it here) and August (watch it here) this year. To catch the videos I’m working on when they’re done, subscribe to the channel if you haven’t yet!
As ever, please write back to me and tell me what books you’re reading or looking forward to reading — it’s always a great time talking about books.
Enjoy the week ahead and have a lovely time reading. Talk to you soon!