I have so little to say (here) this week it took me finishing a level on a game I was playing (and wanting to tell someone) to realise I hadn't written to you. Heh. It's been that sort of week, is all I can say.
On Easter Sunday, I finally got a Switch (Lite - a theme, as with the Yoto Mini) and I've spent the week truly being the stereotypical game-playing youth. There's something really calming about pausing after an hour of wage work and colouring or doing a simple puzzle then getting back to work. Low stakes stuff that barely uses the bits and bobs that make for a handheld device are clearly my thing.
Which is to say, there hasn't been much reading this week and the weather has meant my audiobook listening (a function of walks) is at a low. As always, I remind myself it's a hobby and there's room to take up more, and new ones too (or reclaim old ones, in my case).
Quick news/ things that may be of interest:
My friend Sujay Shah's first solo show opens on Wednesday. Come through!
Down River Road and friends will be hosting a Kiswahili event focusing on Ken Walibora next week
Laps & Livres meets tomorrow
Abi says to revise for her upcoming Game of Thrones quiz night. Not sure how many pages or hours of TV a week that is but good luck to all those keen
You can send me books, postcards, letters, and assorted gifts via PO Box 102439, Jamia Posta 00101, Nairobi, KenyaÂ
I have finished two books since I last wrote, reviews forthcoming. I did a hybrid read of Year of the Tiger: An Activist's Life by Alice Wong (narrated by Nancy Wu) and listened to Rest is Resistance: A Manifesto by Tricia Hersey (narrated by the author). I spoke about my reads in the week ending 31st March 2023 here. Subscribe to the channel if you haven’t yet!
As ever, please write back to me and tell me what books you’re reading or looking forward to reading — it’s always a great time talking about books.
Enjoy the rest of the week and have a lovely time reading. Talk to you soon!
I haven't finished any book since you last wrote because I have been busy preparing for exams but I am rereading Yinka, where is your husband.