I started watching Single Kiasi last week and it’s been such a curious text to explore with YB (Happy Birthday Week to him and MJ!) because of the ways it merges a certain Western notion of singleness and success with Kenyan realities. I’d love to read writing from folks who watch the show with a critical eye about all it has to give. It’s led to me breaking my binge watch of The Office now that I am only allowing myself so much screen time; but you won’t hear me complain.
Nairobi’s heat has had me wilting these last few weeks so it was such a pleasure to go walking this morning and not roast. It looked like rain but that was pushing it seeing as I'm writing this at the end of the day and the sun is still out. I listened to The Old Drift by Namwali Serpell and I was impressed by the fact that it held my attention for an hour (3 hours of audiobook at 3x) despite being one of those chunkers that one would usually avoid. I’m trying to be a bold reader in 2023 and reading it is part of this effort. My second Serpell this year, it has me planning some catch up videos over on the channel so I can get round to talking about it.
Amyn’s latest newsletter talks about the particular desire to escape that elections engender and it really resonated with me. The last 2 months have been tough for me and one can tell by the 30-odd books I’ve completed during that time. Bake, work, eat, read, sleep, repeat - without the great beat to overlay it like it’s Tomorrowland or something similar. Elections are, in a lot of ways, worse for the way they suck the air out of so many rooms, how they’re in the atmosphere at all times. One can run away from their troubles (ask me how) but to run away from one’s country is a huge undertaking for most of us. To books, then.
Before I forget, you can sign up and get more details about the upcoming book donation party here. If you’d like to donate money towards books, feel free to email me ( and we can organise something [this is in the form too]
Speaking of forgetting, I got a membership renewal reminder from The Bookworm Gigiri today and I’ve never been so happy to pay a subscription fee (I write for everyone who is in a family for every subscription service) because it’s transformed my relationship to physical books. It’s the site of challenges - try an author I’ve not heard of before (Prayaag Akbar), try a chunker (The Old Drift) - and having access to physical editions of books I’m interested in is helping me reduce my screen time so yay all round.
Quick news/ things that may be of interest:
I’m going to be at the library (Maktaba Kuu) later this week in case of you have questions or requests you’d like your correspondent to pose or make
If you aren’t on Scribd yet, use my code to get 2 free months.
I have a new address: you can send me books, postcards, letters, and assorted gifts via PO Box 102439, Jamia Posta 00101, Nairobi, Kenya
There will be swimming this weekend. Join us if you can.
I have finished one book since I last wrote, review forthcoming - Leila by Prayaag Akbar. Here’s hoping I’m back on YouTube soon to talk about it!
As ever, please write back to me and tell me what books you’re reading or looking forward to reading — it’s always a great time talking about books.
Enjoy the rest of the week and have a lovely time reading. Talk to you soon!